During June of last year, a trip to Tesco included me putting some "finest sweet pointy peppers" in my trolley. There is no shame in admitting that considering the time of year, however, a quick glance at the packet showed that they were UK grown but did not name the variety. Always trying to steal a march on the seed producers, and indeed the supermarkets, I have realised that this often means that the varieties are not F1 and are worth a bit of a trial and with this in mind saved the seeds.
So, early this February 25 seeds were sown and 15 plants went out into the polytunnel in April. They have grown to some 30" high and have cropped really well. I have mostly been taking them as green peppers for salads and general use but left several plants to ripen the fruit to a red colour. For the last few weeks I have been harvesting fabulous Red peppers and the beauty shown, whilst larger than average from my plants is not that much bigger.
So, better than Tesco or what???
criky hope you like peppers a lot
my jerusalum artichokes were marked down tesco ones havn,t dug them yet but they look heathy
the other marg
Tried it with chillies last year and it worked,will use their peppers now.Good One.
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