Lurking in our shed was a bare rooted "opal" desert plum needing planting. A large planting hole was dug and the bottom of it loosened. Make a mound of soil in the middle of the hole and spread plant roots out evenly on the mound. Do not set trees too deep. As you add soil to fill in around the tree lightly press the soil to collapse air pockets or add water to help settle the soil. Incorporated into the soil was good allotment compost and a good sprinkle of blood fish and bone. The support stake was knocked in BEFORE the tree was planted to prevent any root damage from occuring.

Once planted, the tree was tied to the stake with a piece of recycled bicycle inner tube, you can get them for free from bicycle shops and work very well indeed.

Expensive trees really do benefit from a proper stake and being secured to it. A £30 tree as above is a large investement and deserves a £3 stake.
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