Tuesday, June 26, 2007
A pizza pie
Friday, June 22, 2007
Stick some flowers in there!
Feeling fruity.
The rain cometh!!
The middle picture shows the globe artichokes growing on our new plot. They are a perenial and thus we get to crop them each year.
Lastly the onion bed is looking the worse for wear weed wise and will need some serious clearing out to prevent problems. Onions do not do well if smothered by competition.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fire in the hole!!!!!
After about 10 minutes, the heat is such that it burns off any smoke before it escapes from the front. As the fire had only just been lit in the pictures, the temperature had not got hot enough to burn off the smoke.
After about an hour the top half of the oven was very hot indeed and had caused some minor "scabbing" of the clay inside which can easily be patched up with fresh wet clay/sand mix. It appeared that the top of the oven was leaking smoke but it was found to be steam as the clay was drying out with the heat.
Next time its full on "cook a pizza" trial.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Fork to fork
Stuffed fuller than a fat birds shoe!!
There nearly ready
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Is it Wimbledon yet?
Its all grow now.
Going Bananas
Sprung a leek!!!!
The jolant are for late autumn / early winter use and the Bleu are for Later winter into early spring use as they stand the cold exceptionally well. The leeks are planted 12" apart with 12" between rows. I have never taken to the old wives tale of triming the roots and leaves. Why?
Oh my, Garlic garlic garlic
The second picture shows the Lautrec garlic top and the white garlic bottom, with a 10p piece to give you scale of the size of the bulbs. they garlic is in the tunnel at present finishing its drying and will them be plaited as gifts for family and for the kitchen and the rest will have the foilage chopped off and stored in trays.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Wood burning pizza oven
For something a bit different we are having a "pizza night" for our birthdays (both on 1st July) and to be authentic I have built a wood burning pizza oven.
It sits on the shelf over a log store for our outside fireplace (which does have a chimney pot) and isapprox 24" round and the same high. The cooking base is a heavy set smooth concrete slab with the corner cut off to allow the round shape to be formed. The clay is mixed with water and sharp sand (the sand helps to prevent cracking) and is formed around the base. A wooden former is used to make the opening. Once the sides are up so far I made a mould with damp sand and the clay was laid over this about 3" thick. As a strenghener some wire mesh was laid over this first layer of clay and a second layer of clay was added. The second layer was about 2" thick.
As the clays surface began to dry, the surface was smoothed with a trowel dipped in water. It will dry out over the next couple of weeks and will be kept covered with polythene to stop any rain causing damage and to prevent it drying out too quickly. Cracks will occur due to the thickness of the clay but these will be constantly filled with wet clay until the structure is dry and no more cracks occur.
At this point the sand will be removed and a few more days of drying allowed before a couple of gentle firingd are undertaken. Providing nothing too bad goes tits up we can then have a trial run.
I cant wait, I want to cook one now.
Succession and modules
The engine room
All of the compostable materials from home go to the plot once the home compost bin is full. It really is the engine room of the plot. This bin, one of 5 on plot one is now full but will drop a bit as it rots and will be topped up.
Catch crops
Feeling fruity?
Also in the fruit cage our Red currants are starting to ripen already and a fair bit earlier than last year although the birds got most mainly due to the fruit cage having no netting on it. The blackbirds were rolling about laughing, stuffed fuller than a fat birds shoe with my currants.
The last piccie shows one of our outdoor grape vines. We have two in the tunnels and two on arches, all are hanging with bunches of fruit, so much so that I have had to cut quite a few out. Hopefully the blackbirds will leave a few of the outside ones for us.