Monday, March 24, 2008

Still lots to do

The poor weather gave me an ideal excuse to get into the greenhouse at home to carry on potting on and pricking out. The poached egg plant seedlings (above) are grown as sacrificial companion plants as they attract greenfly far more readily than most other crops and are planted at the end of rows. These are now ready to prick out.

The farmers long aubergine plants (shown above) are romping along now and will be potted on itnto 5" pots within the next week or so.
All of our tomato plants are now in 5" pots and will remain in them until mid April when they will be planted out into the polytunnels.

This is a close up of Dahlis shoots growing from a potted on tuber. They are ideal material to take as basal shoot cuttings. I just pull them off the tuber and pot them in pots filled with a 50-50 mix of multi purpose compost and perlite. Most root within the first couple of weeks, making it an easy way of building up stocks of your favourite varieties.

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