Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What a bountiful harvest!

Ok, so they are covered in mildew, but the courgettes are still producing fruit and very welcome it is too. This one will keep going till the first good frost.

Our spinach bed has produced and produced all summer long. We have even resported to steaming it, squeezing the water out of it and freezing it ready for use in the kitchen. Hopefully this will stand over the winter.

The yellow flag iris by the pond on the plots have flowered well and have now set seed. This ripe pod will be setting its seed by the pond and I will of course, scatter some hither and yon.

Ab fab for bees, grow verbena bonariensis and you will attract all manner of pollinating insects. Its great as a cut flower too. It really is a "must grow" on any plot.

1 comment:

Kath said...

Flag iris is a joy isn't it? We have had some as long as we have had garden ponds. As long as you are prepared to clear out and chuck the old non-productive rhyzomes every few years (I use a bread knife!) it gives a brilliant show between the early bulbs and the summer colour. Wouldn't be without it!