As an experiment I festooned a 4 year old Victoria plum to see if it really did encourage bud break and hence more fruit. Well as you can see from the picture, yes it did in a big way and is something I will try on other top fruit as well. Every branch is now hanging under the weight of fruit rather than being held down by the festoon strings.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Its not all bad news
Another half plot
Blight cometh
Oh what a disaster. Both tunnels have succumbed to blight. In 48 hours, healthy plants, laden with ripening fruit have been turned into dying ones laden with corruption. If you have never seen blight, look closely at the pictures.
I will be spending some of the weekend removing all traces of the plants, fruit and all and piling it on a bonfire to burn. Never ever put blight infected plant material into your compost bins.
On the bright side, I salvaged a whellbarrow full of green and red tomatoes and will be doing something with them tonight as they will not keep raw.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Saving sweet peas seeds
We leave the seed pods on the plants until they are as dry as we can get them and then pick them off and store them in a dry place to complete the drying process. Once dry, the pods can be shelled and the dried peas stored in a dry container, an envelope is ideal for this.
Here is the recipe:-
Limoncello (80 day recipe)
True Limoncello is made in Sorrento, from lemons whose trees overlook the Mediterranean. However, if you have good lemons where you live (I'd want organically grown here), you can get pretty close. It's not difficult.
15 thick-skinned lemons
2 bottles (750 ml each) of the best 100 proof Vodka or a 750 ml bottle of 190-proof alcohol
4 1/2 cups (1 k) sugar
5 cups (1.2 litres) water if you use vodka, or 8 (2 litres) if you use grain alcohol
Wash the lemons in hot water before you start. Remove the peel with a vegetable peeler, removing all white pith on the back of the peel by scraping with a knife, and put the peels in a 4-quart Mason jar.
Add 1 bottle of Vodka, or half the alcohol, and stir. Cover the jar, date it, and put it to rest in a dark cabinet at room temperature. After 40 days, take out the lemon-Vodka mixture. In a sauce pan set over high heat, stir the sugar and water together and boil for 5 minutes. Let the sugar syrup cool completely in the pan, about 10 minutes. Add the sugar syrup to the lemon-Vodka mixture along with the second bottle of Vodka or the remaining alcohol. Stir well to combine. Replace the cover on the jar and note the finish date. Return it to the dark cabinet and store for 40 more days. At day 80, remove the limoncello from the cabinet. Strain the mixture and discard the lemon peel. Pour into clean, sterilised bottles with caps or decorative corked bottles. Store the bottles in the pantry, but put one bottle at a time in the freezer until ready to use. Makes approximately 6 pints.
Friday, August 24, 2007
A glimpse of our garden
A few reasons why I love France.
Show me in the UK country houses and gardens that cost less that a fiver for two people to go around, and hundreds of them to chose from to boot.
Cafe culture is just fabulous, we are catching on in the UK but nowhere to the extent that the French have it sorted. I just love having lunch and a glass of local vin rouge whilst watching the world go by. Without having my wallet raped I might add, or suffering piss heads at the next table.
Finally every village, comune or town is BOTHERED about its appearance and every where there are flowers planted, very little litter and a sense of pride. The French ARE proud of their communities and rightly show them off. All I hear over here is "cutbacks".
Why dont we???
I feel sad that we feel unable to fly our flag. These pictures were taken at a town called Coutance in Normandy. The town hall is ablaze with the French Tricolour and the EU flag is only just given parity with the two lions of Normandy, the regional flag.
Not really wanting to get all political but I feel quite betrayed that our government and councils are ashamed to show their national and regional identities. I was not offended by the French love of their country, I was inspired by it. Vive La France.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Banana shallots
I harvested my banana shallots grown from my own seed last week and have laid them out to dry in my workshop. A few people had germination problems, others lost the small plants but I can honsstly say mine proved to be prolific in all ways. The biggest ones are huge and the rest are of a good size with very few small ones.
I still have some of last years seed for the coming season but will be keeping some shallots back for seed production for future years. Taste wise, they are superb.
Pick a peck of peppers
Strawberry propogation
With plants being expensive and losing vigour after their third year, propogating plants from runners is a sensible thing to do. The runners are just plunged into a pot and when rooted are cut from the mother-plant and overwintered in my cold frame. I only take two runners per plant unless I need lots of plants when I will take three. As you can see from the top picture, the runners are very prolific and from the bottom picture, root very easily, this plantlet was rooting in the bark surrounding the raised beds.
Most of these plants (80 plus) are destined for a new strawberry bed although a few will wend their way down to the forest folk for their new allotment I am sure.
Heritage peas
We have just harvested our heritage pea crop and this pile of pods came from just a dozen Purple podded pea plants. The seed saved will allow me to grow a full crop next year and have enough left over for seed for the next year.
I have found all three varieties very prolific, very tasty and varyingly tall. As a boon the bees loved them.
Wow, razzers everywhere
So, can we have too many razzers? Definitely not, especially when you consider their cost from a supermarket.
Keep those crops coming
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