Thursday, September 13, 2007


The Blueberries planted directly into the ground this spring have made lots of new growth for next year and are in good health. To keep the pH low I willbe watering on sulphate of iron this autumn and also feed them again with a rhododendron fertilizer. The leaves are now starting to go deep red and look very pretty indeed.
During the recent dry spell they were watered from the hose with tap water as required. There is so much nonsence written about blueberries that it scares people off growing them or they only grow them in pots. Keep the basics right and they need very little attention and thrive.
Plant with plenty of ericaceous compost in the planting holes.
DO NOT feed with ANY manure.
Feed with rhododendron food in spring and autumn
Keep moist, NOT SODDEN
Water on sulphate of iron in spring and autumn.

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