Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The engine room

An allotment is only as good as its soil and with that in mind I consider the compost bins to be the engine room of the whole plot.
We have 5 big bins made out of pallets, three for compost, 1 for leaf mould and 1 for shredded stuff that takes a while to break down.
The top picture shows you 1 year old leaf mould, this will be added to the raised beds as soon as they become clear along with any compost that is ready to give a real boost to the soil structure and condition. The bottom picture shows a "full" compost bin that will be turned in a few weeks. After turning the level will drop as stuff breaks down. You can see cardboard amongst the greenwaste. We compost all cardboard that comes into the house, along with shredded papers and envelopes and even the neighbours grass clippings.

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