Saturday, October 06, 2007

Jerusalem artichokes

We planted "fuseau" jerusalem artichokes in the spring to act as a bit of a windbreak at one end of the plot. I expected them to grow to around 6' or so but these boys have raced to well over 10' and are now flowering. the flowers are quite pretty, although small for the size of stem. We will start to harvest these next month and replant the same area after adding some allotment compost.


Anonymous said...

I cut my jerusalem artichokes down as a tallish hedge in front of my pink cast iron bath and compost heap. They take up less room, don't fall over, look neater and don't flower (flowering is said to distract them from fattening up their tubers). But yours look lovely.

Anonymous said...

Aye, they do but will be given a trim this weekend.